Investor Relations

To know more about the investment opportunities in Kurdistan, click the link below.

Housing Growth
0 %
Agriculture Growth
0 %
Tourism Growth
0 %
Trade Growth
0 %

Darin Group not only privately invests in the region, but it also provides exclusive insight and result-oriented strategic guidance to governments and corporations on the various up-and-coming markets. It has a proven track record of helping international companies find business opportunities, and it provides all relevant information and guidance required to establish oneself in Kurdistan.

Darin Group is a billion dollar company not only because of its commitment to strong financial performance, but also because of its ability to maintain the upmost health, safety, and environmental standards—all while ensuring international levels of quality and financial reporting.



As Darin Group has accumulated years of experience working and managing its own investments in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, there is truly no one better to provide business intelligence services to potential and current investors in the region.

In order to better serve and develop unique business strategies, clients are provided witn custom-made, industry-specific reports, surveys, forecasting, and risk analysis. Darin Group is particularly focused on the following Business Intelligence services:


Strategic, practical guidance to potential investors


Assistance to clients seeking to expand their businesses


Market entry, due diligence, and market analysis


Targeted introductions to potential joint venture partners, agents, and individuals


Consultancy services to help with high-profile transactions and project implementation.


Guidance for those looking to exit an Iraqi or Kurdish Investment.


Investors can take advantage of Darin Group´s extensive industry-specific forecasts that cover ten key sectors and up to twenty-five sub-sectors.

Sector Specific Reports

Offers comprehensive overviews, analysis, as well as graphs and tables on key trends.

Data & Surveys

Field surveys are conducted and offer accurate data for each industry, together with detailed sub-sector analyses.

Risk Analysis

Risk scenarios are highlighted and summary graphs and tables are provided for each industry.